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Fapon Annual Dinner 2020 Themed up "Value Co-Creation, Effective Implementation"

(Dongguan, China, 15 January 2020) Every year, Fapon organizes Annual Dinner to praise employees’ yearly accomplishments and unfold a new page in the company's history. This year, the annual dinner was hosted on Wednesday at The Royal Garden Hotel with more than 550 employees, relatives and friends who joined together to witness some of the most exciting moments in Fapon's annual calendar.

The annual dinner inaugurated with Mr Ben He, the President of Fapon who delivered a speech to conclude the business achievements in 2019 and shared his thoughts on how the company can fight for effective implementation and create mutual benefits to all stakeholders. Another inspiring speech was followed by the company Co-Founder, Mr Roc Cui for sharing the strategic development plan with the emphasis on the company mission and core values alongside the introduction of new company structure and operation layout.

The event went on to the award presentation to honor some of the most talented employees and their significant contribution in 2019. In total 8 different business awards were presented, including Distinctive New Employees, Distinctive Employees, Excellent Teams, 10-Year Long-Service Employees, etc.

(Awards of 10-Year Long-Service Employees)

The night then shifted to a more casual vibe by kicking-off the stage entertainment that designed and performed by the Fapon employees. Some of the 2019 popular music, such as Havana was mixed and matched in the talent shows, these were the unique moments of the year for people to unveil their outside-of-work talents that may not have the opportunities to show at ordinary working hours.

(The Gala Chorus)

(The Street Dance 1)

(The Street Dance 2)

(The Chinese Sword Dance)

(The Chinese Fan Dance)

(The Fluorescent Dance)

The night was pushed into waves of climaxes as three lucky draw sections ran amid the talent show section. A huge pool of prizes was showed on the stage screen with a lucky draw software program to select winners, people’s eyes were all glued to the screen and hoped their names appeared with the preferable prizes.

(The Lucky Draw Section)

(Fapon Annual Dinner Guests)

(Fapon Annual Dinner Guests)

The night continued went on by serving the fabulous feast. Stage live games were held amid the feast section to further engage guests with more gifts and prizes to give out.

(Live Games)

(Live Game Prizes)

Upon the closure of the annual dinner 2020, Fapon embarked on a glorious new chapter in the year of 2020. As the success of Fapon is inseparable from the joint strengths and efforts of all Fapon employees, we will continuously strive to provide the most satisfying working environment to our team in all years to come.